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1 OZ Hash

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Hash Hybrid


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About the strain:
Low Med High

The Hash Man is going to continue to hand craft 1 oz pieces of hash. This is made with the same Quad Pink Kush hash from Hashman but with a little more tender love, care, and craftsmanship.

The 1 OZ Hash pieces (made from premium Pink Kush flower) are something super tasty for our hash connoisseurs and those looking to venture into the blissful world of hashish.

One of cannabis’s oldest and most celebrated traditions. This hash is made from premium flower material that has been cured for 8 weeks. This is hashish of the finest quality. The aroma is astounding too.

We are only selling these as full ounces so that you get the full masterpiece as seen in the picture.

Piece randomly selected, although you can leave a note for which one you’d like and we’ll do our best to fulfill it.

1 OZ Hash Info:

With traces of a sweet vanilla and candy perfume, this Quad Pink Kush hash (domestic) is a lovely treat. The potency of this strain could be considered overpowering, and even small doses are known to eliminate pain, insomnia, and appetite loss.

What is pressed hashish?

A cannabis concentrate formed by sifting the trichomes of the cannabis plant in the presence of ice water. Ice hash, (commonly referred to as ice water hash, bubble hash, or wet sift) is typically dabbed, but can also be used to add potency to flower. Ice hash is a modern form of hash making, and just like traditional hash, can be crafted by hand or mechanically.

Happy, Uplifted, Calming
Stress, Pain, Depression
Strain specific to Pink Kush so vanilla, floral, sweet - really lovely stuff!
About the vendor:


10 Customer Reviews

Na, na, na, na, na, na Hash Man! Hash Man is here to satisfy all of your hashish needs. Buying hash online just got easy as you can always depend on Hash Man’s hashish to be real, authentic, and of the highest quality in the world.

Hash is an art and it is one of the longest standing cannabis tradition on our planet. The Hash Man brings nothing but real hashish, using traditional methods, promising a true and unique experience each time.

Whether you are looking for Afghani Hash, Moroccan Hash, Lebanese Hash, Charas Hash, and Kashmiri Hash and all of the varieties from said region, Hash Man has you covered.

The HASH MAN Process

The process of making hashish varies from country to country and even region to region. As a consumer you want to trust the provider and make sure that their knowledge of good hashish is correct. There’s a lot of imposters out there!

Hash Man not only produces domestic bubble hash, Hash Man also brings you the highest quality, most sought after, and most rare Hashish in the world.


9 responses to “1 OZ Hash”

  1. Rich Rogers says:

    Second review, first was under duress.

    Does Product Matches the Description? Yes

    Initially I was put off buy the taste. Which was amplified by the fact I had Covid at the time. It is (was) sour diesel in taste. Which was revolting at the time. When I forced myself to smoke it I was pleasantly surprised to find other than the taste It is really great hash. Tastes awful but great results. Will buy again.

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  2. Kevin says:


    Does Product Matches the Description? Yes

    I ended up getting the head, he’s was pretty cool. It hurt me to smoke him because he did look so cool. I still have a few grams of him left I think. Great hash. Good taste, better high.

    Did you find this review helpful? Yes No

  3. Aaron says:

    So so good

    Does Product Matches the Description? Yes

    Picked this up about 6 months ago and only now am I starting to remove bits from the face. Such a cool item and it was a great conversation piece throwing that on a table with the face of hash staring everyone down. The quality is excellent too. An amazing hash flavor profile, nice amount of spiciness and it burns great with that classic hash smell. The buzz is top notch and will get you good and fucking high trust me. This stuff had me breaking out hot knives for the first time in 20 years lol

    Did you find this review helpful? Yes No

  4. Rob says:

    My dream as a teenager.

    Does Product Matches the Description? Yes

    Who didn’t want an once of hash as a 17 year old?
    This is a great value and a conversation piece. It’s soft enough to form, has a great smell and provides a good high in the pipe alone or with a bit of flower.
    Tempted to hot knife!

    Did you find this review helpful? Yes No

  5. kimberly thomas says:

    what a great deal

    Does Product Matches the Description? Yes

    this is really really good stuff. and such a treat to smoke, nice flavour, just the right amount of flexibility, smells prettier than my incense!

    Did you find this review helpful? Yes No

  6. Amber says:

    Too cool to pass up

    Hash is great and who doesn’t want it with a lil Mayan twist to get lit with … you won’t be disappointed

    Did you find this review helpful? Yes No

  7. Scott Tiffin says:

    Beautiful hash

    Does Product Matches the Description? Yes

    This hash is awesome
    Great price

    Did you find this review helpful? Yes No

  8. Erik Reinelt says:

    I’m so fancy I smoke art

    Great high, smokes wonderfully, and you can feel bougie as fuck smoking art

    Did you find this review helpful? Yes No

  9. Sarah Morgan says:

    Fantastic Deal!

    Does Product Matches the Description? Yes

    Good hash, great price and delivered to my door. Thanks Hash Man and White Palm for the win!

    Did you find this review helpful? Yes No

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