YOU MAY HAVE ALREADY READ THIS. WE THOUGHT IT SHOULD BE READ AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE BY AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE. Please share to anyone who brings up the topic of weed vapes being bad for you. There is A LOT of misinformation out there. Here are a few bullet points on Weed Vape Myths Debunked.
The majority of the stories being reported or spread virally about weed vape myths and individuals suffering health-related issues are almost all originating from within the American vape market and of the cases reported to date that are genuine, almost 95% of these individuals were Nicotine-vape-juice or Nicotine-based-product users only. Less than 5% of all cases reported have been attributed to THC/CBD-based vape products.
Vitamin “E” acetate is the main ingredient in what are referred to in the vaping industry as “ THICKENING AGENTS”. These agents are used by producers to re-thicken a compound such as Nicotine juice or THC distillate or CBD distillate if the compound has been diluted too much by the producer and said producer wants to conceal the amount they have “cut” (watered down) their product by.
First Point:
Vitamin “E” acetate based thickening agents are ridiculously expensive , costing as much or close to the price of pure THC or CBD distillate, making their use cost prohibitive and one of the main reasons you won’t find it in THC or CBD based products. The stuff is simply too expensive and is not easily purchased or sourced within Canada.
Second Point:
There have been reports of THC vape tips and Nicotine juices within the US market having been found to contain some levels of Vitamin ‘E’ acetate yet any of the brands connected with these reports have been traced back to small black market brands sourcing their ingredients out of Asia.
Third Point:
There are 2 different forms of Vitamin “E” acetate , a-tocopherol and y-tocopherol A-tocopherol is actually a very strong anti-inflammatory agent within the lungs and assists with subduing asthmatic attacks. Y-tocopherol is an inflammation-inducing agent within the lungs and can restrict airways as well as causing asthma attacks.
Fourth Point:
You would be hard pressed to find Vitamin “E” acetate in more than 1% of the vape products currently available on the market. Both sourcing and cost of this compound make it un-viable for wide spread commercial use.
The silver lining in all of these stories and facts that have come to light, is that almost none of these health concerns and reports are connected to THC or CBD-based vape products.
The compounds used to make THC vape or CBD vapes are very different from those used within the Nicotine vape industry. Because of the Cannabis origin of the THC and CBD products, the compounds used to stabilize, suspend or thin them are just as organic or natural as the active ingredients themselves.
You would be very hard pressed to find any Propylene Glycol , Vegetable Glycerin or Vitamin “E” acetate in any THC or CBD based product – especially in Canada. The single most common compound you would find in these products would be Cannabis or fruit-sourced Terpenes and in some rare cases Ethanol as a thinning agent.
In Conclusion!
TLDR: There are no harmful additives in the CBD/THC vapes found in Canada. ZERO